Governing Documents
Standing Orders
Standing Orders are the written rules of the Community Council. Standing orders are essential to regulate the proceedings of a meeting. They are the agreed procedures for the way a particular council will work with regard to discussions, decision-making, and the conduct of meetings. Our three most important documents are our Standing Orders, Financial Regulations and Code of Conduct.
Community Council Powers and Duties
The Community Council has wide ranging powers and duties. A summery of these, with the relevant legislation can be found in our document, Council Powers, Duties & Statutory Provision.
Risk Assessment and Management
The management of risk is an important part of the Council's work; making sure that the people who use our facilities are safe, giving the staff the protection to get on with their work, and protecting the assets that the Council hold. Risk assessment happens all the time, but once a year, the Council brings the information together and collates it in a single document.
Risk assessment is a systematic general examination of working conditions, workplace activities and environmental factors that will enable the Community Council to identify any and all potential inherent risks. The Community Council, based on a recorded assessment, will take all practical and necessary steps to reduce or eliminate the risks, insofar as is practically possible.
Documents to be updated in November 2021:
Risk Management Policy - Adopted November 18, 2021
Risk Assessment - Approved November 19, 2021, revised February 7, 2024
Risk assessment is a systematic general examination of working conditions, workplace activities and environmental factors that will enable the Community Council to identify any and all potential inherent risks. The Community Council, based on a recorded assessment, will take all practical and necessary steps to reduce or eliminate the risks, insofar as is practically possible.
Documents to be updated in November 2021:
Risk Management Policy - Adopted November 18, 2021
Risk Assessment - Approved November 19, 2021, revised February 7, 2024
Access to Information / Publication Scheme
Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, the Community Council has a duty to adopt and maintain a Publication Scheme. The scheme, in essence, commits the Community Council to produce and publish the method by which the specific information will be available so that it can be easily identified and accessed by members of the public.
The Community Council only holds a record of minutes dating from 2013.
The council has adopted a Privacy and Data Retention and Disposal Policies to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). As an individual, you have a right to access your data; you can make a subject access request verbally or in writing. The Council will respond to your request within 20 working days. There is no fee for submitting a subject access request.
The Council is registered with the Information Commissioner's Office. This is confirmed by our certificate, and our details are published on the Information commissioners Office (ICO) website for public viewing. Please make requests using our Subject Access Request Form. An Accessible and updated docx version will be available later in 2021.
The Community Council only holds a record of minutes dating from 2013.
The council has adopted a Privacy and Data Retention and Disposal Policies to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). As an individual, you have a right to access your data; you can make a subject access request verbally or in writing. The Council will respond to your request within 20 working days. There is no fee for submitting a subject access request.
The Council is registered with the Information Commissioner's Office. This is confirmed by our certificate, and our details are published on the Information commissioners Office (ICO) website for public viewing. Please make requests using our Subject Access Request Form. An Accessible and updated docx version will be available later in 2021.
Equal Opportunities
The Community Council will comply with our Equality Duty and is committed to Accessibility.
Terms of Reference for Working Groups and Delegations
The council may delegate functions to a committee, sub committee, Officer or another local authority, decisions for the discharge of functions can only be made at meetings of the council. Clear and certain written terms of reference confirm the nature, extent and limitations of the duties or powers which have been delegated.
A Community Council may wish to appoint committees to fully deal with, or only make recommendations to it (or a combination of both), in respect of powers to provide and manage allotments, parking, recreational facilities, open spaces and events for the community.
Travel, Highways and Public Realm Working Group Terms of Reference (Accessible)
A Community Council may wish to appoint committees to fully deal with, or only make recommendations to it (or a combination of both), in respect of powers to provide and manage allotments, parking, recreational facilities, open spaces and events for the community.
Travel, Highways and Public Realm Working Group Terms of Reference (Accessible)
Administration of Financial Affairs
Community Councils are subject to various Accounts and Audit Regulations made pursuant to the Audit Commission Act 1998. These can be found on our financials page.
Members’ Code of Conduct
The policy reasons for the introduction of a Code of Conduct for members were to impose sound ethical standards on individuals who are in a public office. The Code of Conduct contains rules which govern the conduct and behaviour of individual councillors in conducting the business of the Community Council.
In the event of a dispute, we have a Resolution Protocol.
In the event of a dispute, we have a Resolution Protocol.
Training Policy
The council has a Training Statement of Intent to ensure Members and Employees are equipped to carry out their roles and a Training Plan.
Online Policy
Welsh Language Policy
Future Generations and Environment
At our Ordinary Meeting held Monday 1st April 2019, the St. Nicholas with Bonvilston Community Council passed a motion to incorporate the Five Ways to Well-being Goals into our Action Plan and other duties, working as if we were a larger authority. What this entails can be found within the Welsh Government's document, Shared Purpose, Shared Future 4: (Community Councils)
Biodiversity Action Plan (coming soon)
Biodiversity Action Plan (coming soon)
The Community Council's Charter describes the direction of the council and how it will work to achieve its goals.